BC SPCA rescues 45 Havanese dogs on Vancouver Island
Apr 16, 2018April 16, 2018
The BC SPCA is caring for 45 neglected Havanese and Havanese-cross dogs surrendered by a former breeder outside of Victoria on April 12. The dogs’ coats were extremely matted with feces and urine and they were living in unacceptable conditions inside the home due to high levels of ammonia.
“The individual was cooperative and voluntarily surrendered the animals, who range in age from one-and-a-half to 15 years,” says Marcie Moriarty, chief prevention and enforcement officer for the BC SPCA.
“Our staff have spent the past few days assessing the physical and psychological well-being of the dogs and providing immediate medical care for any issues,” says Moriarty. “The dogs were extremely filthy and matted, so extensive bathing and grooming was necessary before we could even assess their condition.”
While the individual had stopped selling dogs approximately five years ago, Moriarty says this situation is an example why the new breeder regulations being developed in B.C. are urgently needed. “Whether it involves a puppy mill where a breeder is putting profits before the welfare of the animals or a situation where an individual becomes overwhelmed with the number of animals in their care, we need to have standards for breeders and a way for members of the public to identify legitimate breeders from those who are not providing good care and welfare for their animals.”
The dogs are being cared for at a number of SPCA shelters on Vancouver Island but are not currently up for adoption. Please check the BC SPCA adoption site for updates.
Donations for the care of these dogs, and other abused and injured animals in the BC SPCA’s care, are gratefully received at spca.bc.ca/emergencyalert.